I am going to allow myself to celebrate! At least for a little bit . . .
When you run a longer race they time your "splits"-- the time it takes to reach certain mileage markers throughout the run. After you pass the last split you know the finish line is next. You are still running and still tired but you gain an extra bit of energy knowing that the finish line is closer than ever. That's where I'm at and I'm going to breathe deep and smile for a little!
On Friday, September 14 my dear friends helped me to celebrate the last day of radiation by getting together for lunch! Fun, laughter, yummy food! It helped that we were celebrating Sabrina's 40th birthday as well! YEAH! It's about time my younger friends start catching up! These girls (and many not on this picture) have BLESSED my life over the past months. They have brought meals, written notes, emails, cards, prayers, cried tears, encouraged, brought flowers, brought smiles, shared kale recipes . . . the list goes on and on. They continue to be a gift from God!
And, on Sunday, September 16 I decided to run the Philly Rock and Roll Half Marathon with my sister, Karyn. I had to prove to myself that I still was the Renae I used to be. I often feel like the cancer has changed me and my life so greatly that I'll never get back to being "normal". But this race was one of the first attempts at regaining that feeling and for some reason, I felt like I needed to do it for my heart and soul to believe it as well. I bought a bib off of craigslist and ran as "Susan"! The day was picture perfect and Karyn and I knocked out the miles together.
3 days later, Joel and I took off for Florida to spend a long weekend together on the beach and RELAXED! At times I look back and just can't believe what has taken place over the last year. I tell Joel that I would give almost anything to be able to go back in time and change the outcome of that day on December 14--but since that is impossible--I will continue to try to keep moving forward.
And, the biggest celebration of all is that I HAVE HAIR! I'll post more about this later. . . but I can't tell you how wonderful it is to have hair on my head again. Just the other day my kids were teasing me because when they came down for breakfast I had "bedhead". My hair was MESSED UP! We laughed together and then I told them that this was a milestone for me. We should be having a celebration! I haven't had messed up hair for MONTHS! I need to comb my hair in the morning after my shower! These are amazing accomplishments that most of you take for granted every day!
And yesterday, Thursday, September 27 I had my port removed! That was a BIG DEAL! When I took the bandages off this morning I cried. I looked so normal--without the port sticking out of my chest! I would often tell Joel that I looked like a "freak"--no hair, scars on my body, and that port sticking out of me. I feel like I'm finally running downhill instead of uphill. My daughter said, "Mommy--your bump is gone!" When I look in the mirror I begin to see the other Renae emerging--the one before "cancer". And I'm so glad to finally see her again!